Thursday, March 27, 2008

Oluwale Memorial

The David Oluwale Memorial Appeal
How you can be involved in the appeal: Come to the following events

An evening of information and poetry
On Monday 31st March 2008
At Leeds West Indian Centre, Chapeltown

CARYL PHILLIPS (Writer, St Kitts, Leeds)
“What David Oluwale’s story means to me, and why we need a Memorial in Leeds”

IAN DUHIG (Leeds Poet, Eliot Prize nominee) reading “God Comes Home” in commemoration of David Oluwale

FWORDS, six Yorkshire-based black writers, and
LEEDS YOUNG AUTHORS, will present new work reflecting on David Oluwale’s life.

From 6.30 pm – 9.00 pm.
At Leeds West Indian Centre, Chapeltown LS7 3JA.
(2, 3 or 3a bus from town centre. Get off near Mandela Centre on Chapeltown Road.)
Caribbean food on sale from 6.30pm. Programme starts 7pm.

This event is FREE, but a collection will be taken for the Memorial Fund.

Event 2:
The Hounding of David Oluwale
Thursday 15th May

Kester Aspden will discuss his recent book on David Oluwale and Rommi Smith. FWords will present an artistic and poetic response to David's life and Death. 7 pm, Venue to be confirmed.

For information:

Oluwale Memorial Appeal
c/o Max Farrar, C513 Civic Quarter, Leeds Metropolitan University
Calverley Street, Leeds, LS1 3HE
0113 812 3984