Tuesday, July 03, 2007

News Digest (July 07)

Woman died after one police shot

A woman shot by a police marksman after a stand-off in a Kent market town died from a single gunshot wound to the chest, an inquest has been told. Ann Sanderson, 37, was shot after police received reports of a woman armed with a gun in Sevenoaks in the early hours of Monday.

DNA of under-10s on government database
The DNA fingerprints of more than 100 children aged under 10 are stored on a government database despite their being younger than the age of criminal responsibility, it emerged today.

Prison suicides up to two a week as jail numbers soar
Suicides in prisons have risen to two a week, with 43 so far this year as overcrowding in England and Wales bites more deeply, the chief inspector of prisons told MP's last night.

Family sues MoD over Iraq death
The family of an Iraqi man who was beaten to death while in British military custody are suing the Ministry of Defence. Lawyers for the children and father of Baha Mousa, say they are looking for "hundreds of thousands of pounds" in damages.

Ministers lose manslaughter vote
The government has been defeated in the Lords over plans to exclude prisons from its Corporate Manslaughter Bill. Peers voted by a majority of 91 to reinstate their amendment saying the offence of corporate manslaughter must apply to people who die in custody.